Economic Times Awards
Client : Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.
ET Corporate Excellence Award
The Economic Times Awards for Corporate Excellence are the awards conferred by The Economic Times in the field of business, corporate and government policies, economies in India. TLV Solutions developed and executed the trophy over the years from 2015 to 2024. Made in machined aluminium with different shades of metal plating, each trophy was packaged in a custom clad box with foam inserts.
ET Startup Awards
The Economic Times Startup Awards (2015) have been instituted to celebrate the finest and bravest who risked everything to launch a new enterprise. The trophy is awarded across eight categories - Startup of the Year, Woman Ahead, Top Innovator, Bootstrap Champ, Midas Touch (Best Investor), Social Enterprise, Best on Campus and Comeback Kid. Cubist in shape, The Economic Times Startup Awards trophy is a symbol of the country’s spirit of entrepreneurship.The one-foot tall, gold, black and silver trophy, is designed by Foley designs and executed by TLV. Made of aluminum, an alloy that signifies flexibility, the trophy weighs about 2.6 kg, and took months of work from concept to design, and represent the journey of every startup. Different aluminium cubes are CNC machined and plated in gold, silver and black and finally assembled to make the abstract cubic structure.